2. Firstly, invite in all the other member of the team, using their Sheffield University email address. This is on tab Settings, Basic, Permissions.
If there is someone who doesn’t have a Sheffield University email address, then use another Google-identity email for now. When they respond, upgrade them to admin status so they can change features of the blog.
3. Secondly, email Sheila (s.webber@sheffield.ac.uk) or just tell Sheila, what the web address and name of your blog is, so she can link to it from this main blog.
4. Customise your team blog’s appearance (Template and Layout)
- Change the template first (Template tab)
- Change the background picture
- Try different typefaces and colours for the blog title, text etc.
- In Layout arrange and add widgets - - You must add a links gadget and include a link to this main 23 Things blog, http://inf6350-2012.blogspot.co.uk/ and to the link of your partner team
- - - If you have time add some more widgets e.g. a feed from another blog, a poll, features that allow people to subscribe to or follow your blog.
- If you have yet more time, add a page (by selecting Pages, New Page) saying a bit more about your team
5. Post to your blog.
- For your first group post, introduce yourselves
- For your second group post, find another blog you like, and write a couple of sentences about it, with a link
6. Label your posts, so that later on you can find all the posts on the same topic or the same “Thing”. You describe the subject of the post with words and phrases. Click on Labels (right of screen) and click done when you have finished.
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